Top Accomplishments of President Donald J. Trump

100% of President Trump's actions directly benefited Americans

Trump always put Americans FIRST.

Donald Trump was protected American workers
President Trump donated his salary to his Council on Infrastructure.
President Trump did NOT think highways are racist.
President Donald Trump was a staunch believer in Physical Fitness.
. . . he did NOT support men in women's sports!

As a pragmatic business man, President Trump
corrected many problems and flaws that hurt Americans
President Trump protected American Farmers
... he established USMCA to reinforce American Agriculture
President Trump saw the evils of lobbying, and politicians getting the benefits.
He set tough new standards, and outlawed lobbying foreign countries!
As a highly successful businessman, President Trump
expanded educational apprenticeships for American students

President Trump recognized the big "Digital Divide"
He established a move to provide broadband across the country

Donald Trump puts America First
Signs "Buy American, Hire American"

President Trump's Crime task force
takes down key MS-13 gang leaders

The Southern Border was SECURE under Trump.
President Trump's "Operation Cross Country XI" took out 120 human trafficers

President Trump established the
Religious Freedom Division of the Office for Civil Rights

President Donald Trump upheld his oath of office, promising
to protect Americans. He upped the National Security budget

Experienced in Technology Trump knew cyber threats were coming.
He established the United States Cybersecurity Workforce

Again President Trump had the American people in mind...
he donated his entire pay check to the National Park Service

President Donald Trump's Unemployment remains
The lowest filing for unemployment since 1969

President Trump marked the fastest pace
wage growth since the "Great Recession"

President initiated programs to clean our environment
His orders initiated restoration of air and water

Standing for America's Service and Veterans, President Trump
Secured the highest funding for veterans in U.S. history

President Trump reorganized the Executive Branch to assure
service to the needs of all Americans

President Trump is committed to fighting drug addition! He funds
$6-Billion to fight fentanyl and the opioid epidemic.

President Trump captures and charges more than 400 drug dealers
prescribing opioids to drug addicted Americans
President Trump expedites environmental reviews
makes infrastructure projects a high-priority

In "Operation Cross Country XI" President Trump deploys the FBI
to recover victims of underage human trafficking

President passes the "Stop School Violence Act
to protect America's school children

President Trump pushes harder for
religious freedom and civil rights

President Trump issues an Executive Order to
help Americans in agriculture and rural America

Again, President Trump donates his entire pay check toward
The Department of Transportation for infrastructure reform

Again, President Trump donates his entire pay check
to America's Department of Education

This time, President donates his pay check to
the Department of Health & Human Services to fight opioid addition

Donald Trump secures efficient and economical use of
technology for Americans through his "American Technology Council"

Instead of allowing criminal illegal aliens across the border into America
President Trump launches help for victims of illegal alien criminals!

President Trump knew whistleblowers would be stepping forward to expose crimes
So he isued EO to protect those honest Americans who stepped forward

As an avid protector of Women's Rights, President Trump awarded
$1.5 million to recruit, train and retain women in male dominated fields.

After defeating ISIS, and recapturing Mosul from ISIS,
President forges a significant ceasefire with Russia and Jordan!

Looking out for Urual America, President Trump makes
significant steps toward broadband in America


Unfortunately in the first few days of President Biden, most of these
accomplishments for Americans were erased, and nullified.
However, you can still find them in the Congressional Record

This record in SCRIBD gives detailed insight into Trump's best work for Americans

(... or you can download the PDF)

Crisis at the Southern Border Memes

Unexplained 2020 Election gone bad

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A troll dared us to show accomplishments of President Donald Trump

Take these Quizzes to establish were you are today

Here's how some online trolls try to control the narrative

Joe Biden said "My Job is to Protect Americans" -- What happened?

Joe Biden Brags About His Accomplishments, for HIM, not YOU!

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Who is Above The Law? Are you still preaching that?

We can make you believe anything we say as long as we say survey!
Or, as long as we say "Breaking News"

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